You will need to install and learn to use Wget or cURL to execute the options described below. Please note there have been reported errors with running these commands on Windows machines.
Available Paramters/Options:
wget -q --no-check-certificate --post-data="region=0&wgetflag=1&period=2&product=1&areaids=all&sdate=2020-11-01&edate=2020-11-19&addurl=1&results_as_file=1" -O -
curl | grep getfile | cut -d "'" -f 2 | head -1 | xargs -n 1 curl -LJO -n -c ~/.urs_cookies -b ~/.urs_cookiesprogrammatic approach:
Scripts can be used to download the data programatically. An example of how to do this using python can be found on the download methods page.