# Sensor definitions table. # # Each column is separated by variable whitespace. # Comments must begin with "#". # If you change columns, SensorUtils.py keys must be updated accordingly. # # Column 1: Sensor name, unique for each instrument/platform combination. # Column 2: Instrument name # Column 3: Platform name (aka satellite, aka mission) # Column 4: Main-level directory in $OCDATAROOT # Column 5: Subdirectory under $OCDATAROOT/$MainDir (optional) # Sensor Inst. Platform MainDir SubDir common common none common Aquarius Aquarius SAC-D aquarius AVHRR AVHRR AVHRR avhrr AVIRIS AVIRIS AVIRIS aviris CZCS CZCS Nimbus-7 czcs GOCI GOCI COMS goci HICO HICO ISS hico L5TM L5TM L5TM l5tm L7ETM L7ETM L7ETM l7etm MERIS MERIS Envisat meris MODISA MODIS Aqua modis aqua MODIST MODIS Terra modis terra MOS MOS IRS-P3 mos MSIS2A MSI Sentinel-2A msi s2a MSIS2B MSI Sentinel-2B msi s2b OCI OCI PACE oci OCIA OCIA PACE ocia OCIS OCIS PACE ocis OCM1 OCM IRS-P4 ocm1 OCM2 OCM-2 Oceansat-2 ocm2 OCRVC OCRVC OCRVC ocrvc OCTS OCTS ADEOS octs OLCIS3A OLCI Sentinel-3A olci s3a OLCIS3B OLCI Sentinel-3B olci s3b OLI OLI Landsat-8 oli OSMI OSMI KOMPSAT osmi PRISM PRISM PRISM prism SeaWiFS SeaWiFS Orbview-2 seawifs SGLI SGLI GCOM_C sgli VIIRSJ1 VIIRS JPSS-1 viirs j1 VIIRSJ2 VIIRS JPSS-2 viirs j2 VIIRSN VIIRS Suomi-NPP viirs npp