Download the latest Mac installer file and up.
The installer is a shell script. It can be executed in a terminal window with the following command line statement (use the path to your recently downloaded installer file instead of "PATH" and make sure the version number is the same as the one you downloaded):
sh /PATH/
Once the installer window launches, follow the prompted instructions to complete the installation. If you don't have JDK installed on your Mac, the installer will ask you if you want to continue the process, click "Yes". The installer will also ask where you wish the SeaDAS application to be installed. Enter the path of the folder where you want to install SeaDAS, e.g.
To run SeaDAS, double-click on the file in the "bin folder of your new SeaDAS folder (e.g. /Users/USERNAME/SeaDAS/bin/
1. b) SeaDAS Installation – For Linux
Download the latest Linux installer file and up.
The installer is a shell script. It can be executed in a terminal window with the following command line statement (use the path to your recently downloaded installer file instead of "PATH" and make sure the version number is the same as the one you downloaded):
sh /PATH/
Once the installer window launches, follow the prompted instructions to complete the installation. If you don't have JDK installed on your machine, the installer will ask you if you want to continue the process, click "Yes". The installer will also ask where you wish the SeaDAS application to be installed. Enter the path of the folder where you want to install SeaDAS, e.g.
To run SeaDAS, double-click on the file in the "bin folder of your new SeaDAS folder (e.g. /Users/USERNAME/SeaDAS/bin/
1. c) SeaDAS Installation – For Windows
Download the latest Windows installer file seadas_8.4.1_windows64_installer.exe and up.
Navigate to the downloaded file location and double click on the installer icon. Once the installer window launches, follow the prompted instructions to complete the installation. The installer will create a desktop icon for launching the SeaDAS application. Double-click on that icon to launch SeaDAS.
You will also need to set up an Earthdata login. Your login credentials then need to be stored in a file in your home directory. In your home directory, create a file called .netrc (note the leading period) using the terminal:
echo "machine login USERNAME password PASSWD" > ~/.netrc
chmod 0600 ~/.netrc
where USERNAME and PASSWD are your Earthdata Login credentials.
For Windows Users, use a text editor to create a .netrc in your home directory with the following line in the file.
machine login USERNAME password PASSWD
Python3 --version
-Python requests package v2.18.0 or higher:
python3 -m pip install requests
brew install gcc@12
use homebrew to install jpeg-turbo:
brew install jpeg-turbo
Install Docker Desktop
Please make sure that you have created a valid .netrc file in your home directory.
Under your Home directory, create the "ocssw" and "seadasClientServerShared" directories if they don't already exist. And copy .netrc file into seadasClientServerShared directory. For example,
mkdir ocssw
mkdir seadasClientServerShared
cp ~/.netrc seaDASClientServerShared
Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
Once Docker Desktop is running, run the following command in Windows Power Shell's command line:
docker run -v $HOME/ocssw:/root/ocssw -v $HOME/seadasClientServerShared:/root/seadasClientServerShared -v $HOME/.netrc:/root/.netrc -p 6400:6400 -p 6402:6402 -p 6403:6403 -t seadas/ocssw-run:1.2
If an ifile comes with a folder, such as OLI, OLCI, MSI, MERIS L1 files, you need to copy the whole folder to the seadasClientServerShared directoy, in order for OCSSW processing to work correctly
Once installed, the processing components can be updated when necessary by repeating the above steps.
All SeaDAS data processing functions are available through a GUI and are command line executable. Using the latter requires setting up the proper command line environment.
Open a terminal window. Define an environmental variable OCSSWROOT that points to your OCSSW loation.
export OCSSWROOT=/Users/USERNAME/SeaDAS/occsw
Finish setting up the command line environment by sourcing the data processing environmental variable file. This file defines the locations of all files required by OCSSW. In bash:
source $OCSSWROOT/OCSSW_bash.env
You can also add these two lines to your .bashrc or .zshrc
export OCSSWROOT=/Users/USERNAME/SeaDAS/occsw
source $OCSSWROOT/OCSSW_bash.env
Confirm the environment has been set via the command:
You should now be ready to use SeaDAS and SeaDAS processors